Greater Goods
This building is a well-known fixture in St. Louis and is proudly listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Greater Goods had a vision to adapt the building into the headquarters for their growing online retail business. They turned to Vessel for our creative muscle and experience with historic structures, Historic Tax Credits, and Brownfield Tax Credits.
Founders Day 2017
Every year we set aside a day to reflect on the previous year, assess where we are, and plan for the future. We do that on the most auspicious of all Vessel days...
St. Louis At Home Magazine | BHGH
Vessel has once again graced the pages of St. Louis At Home Magazine!
Announcing Mary's Retirement
We are both happy and sad to announce Mary Adams' retirement. Mary has been an instrumental part of Vessel's growth over the last 5 years. Without her, the wheels would have fallen off this bus long ago.
Vessel's Virtual Reality Studio
VR is a revolution for architecture. Visit Vessel's VR studio and you can see and experience your building in real time. It is difficult to describe the level of realism and how natural it feels to use the system. Truly, it is one of the most powerful design tools we have ever seen, and it allows us to provide our clients with a unique design experience and level of service.
On Gossip
Gossip is discussing anything negative with someone who can’t help solve the problem.
Gossip kills culture by dividing instead of unifying. Gossips tell themselves they are helping, but they are really spending time toiling in affairs they can not influence or resolve. For those who listen to gossip, it undermines passion for their work and confidence in their team. It isn't good for anyone.
We have all been guilty of cro...