Redemption Road Church
As Redemption Road Church has grown through the years, they have twice invited Vessel to design new space for worship and teaching. This design is for the second space, a completely new purpose-built structure. We took church leadership through the detailed process of programming spaces to support current needs with anticipated plans for growth. Knowing the church will be raising funds for several years, the space was designed to allow maximum flexibility, easy circulation, and multiple uses.
Early in the process, church leaders identified the community of Winfield, Missouri lacked a well-known “third space”- a space that is neither home nor work, but a place of common gathering within a community. The schematic design for the church envisions a central gathering space that is more than just a church lobby, or even a concourse for organizing functions. With its clean geometry, modern form, and wonderful natural daylight, the central space allows Redemption Road to open itself to the community for events, musical performances, weddings, and receptions.
Exterior materials were chosen for their humility- metal buildings are a common sight in this semi-rural community- but applied creatively to express the optimism and creativity of the faithful people inside.