Keith Steiskal | Village of Lombard

The Lombard Place Assisted Living and Memory Care project was a great example of how Architects and Code Officials can work together to create the safest, economically feasible, and most enjoyable building to live. This project, in particular, involved months of discussions with Brian about the complexities of building code and specifically the different use-groups. This type of discussion is crucial since the code, in many cases, has to catch up with trends in design. The way it catches up is with projects like this where the Owner, Architect, and Code Official work together to make sure all of their needs and responsibilities are met, while setting a new bar for the code to follow.

We are proud to have been a part of this project and know that this will be a safe and enjoyable place for our Lombardians to live and enjoy for years to come. I cannot thank Brian enough for the professionalism and patience he showed on this project.
— Keith Steiskal
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American Legion Supports LA Homeless Vets


Welcome, Amy Scherer!