Vessel's New Office Almost Ready!

If you've visited our office in the last six months you know how much we needed more space. We feel like the punch line to a joke that starts with, "How many Architects..."

But our new offices are almost ready and we move in next week! Another week like this and we were going to have to vote someone off the island (probably Pete).

Author Name
Brian Van Winkle
Architect | Principal | AIA | NCARB | Director of Architecture and Senior Living Services Brian can't help but make his client's objectives his personal mission. This has led to early onset gray hair. Integrity, enthusiasm, and wisdom mark his work and he has a way of quickly getting to the heart of a problem and devising practical solutions. He married his high-school sweetheart and has four gregarious kids. Brian is an avid USTA 4.0 level tennis player who regularly blasts Pete off the court with sheer power.

New Office Picture!


Welcome to the 3rd annual Vessel NCAA Bracket Challenge!