You have an idea, you’re pretty sure it’s good, but it might be crazy. You need an experienced professional to validate your idea so that you can make a solid decision about whether or not to move forward. You need a Feasibility Study! And Vessel can help.
Our Process
Determine allowable uses and allowable densities of development.
Evaluate likelihood of Entitlement approvals.
Determine whether desired timeline is realistic.
Ascertain the organizational capacity required to accomplish the project.
Identify funding sources.
Determine market demand for proposed land uses.
Identify real-estate values, rents, etc. for developed property.
Identify knowledge gaps and quantify unknowns to extent possible.
Evaluate risk factors and quantify risk.
Process & Schedule Analysis
Identify processes necessary for completion of the project.
Assign expected durations to each process.
Develop a Critical Path Schedule with process durations and dependencies.
Schematic Budget Analysis
Develop comprehensive cost estimates for each of the following categories.
Entitlement (zoning approvals, preliminary engineering, etc.)
Infrastructure (roads and utilities)
Hard Costs (site and building for each site)
Soft Costs (professional fees)
Permitting & Approval fees
Contingency (risk)
Break budget into phases if applicable
Summary of conclusions.
Our go or no-go recommendation
Include documentation of the research and analysis.